He is here! Most of you already know this because it has been all over facebook, but in case you didn't. . . Jack Robert DeWeese was born at 12:25 p.m. on Sunday, April 18th. He is a very healthy 7 lbs 6oz. He was 20 inches long. He has a full head of light brown, wavy hair! He is not sure how he likes breastfeeding right now, so we are in the process of deciding if we just want to give him formula instead.
He is absolutely perfect. Its amazing how much love we had for him instantly! We were lucky that both of our families were here in time to be here when he was born. Everyone is so happy he is here. We can't wait to take him out and show him off!
I had a very easy labor except for the pushing part! I started having contractions around 1:15am Sunday morning. We called the doctor at 3:30 when my contractions intensified and were coming every 3-5 minutes. We were admitted into labor and delivery at 5:00 am and I was already 5-6 cm. dilated. By 6:00, I was a good 6 cm and I decided to have an epidural to help me be more comfortable. I quickly moved to 8 cm and by 10:00 am I was a full 10! At 10:15 they had me start pushing and at that point they said it wouldn't be long till he was here...haha...wrong! I pushed, and I pushed and Jack was not coming. I thought for sure I was doing something wrong, but they continued to tell me I was doing great! After 2 hours of pushing, he was finally born and we determined that part of the problem was he had his hand by his face, so not only was I pushing his head into position but his hand as well. (We have now determined that Jack really likes his hands by his face and he is most happy when he is in the "thinking" position!)
The next part was the worst! Everyone told me that delivering the placenta was the easy part, but not for me! The cord came detached from the placenta, so they couldn't get it out! I was unable to hold him because the doctor had to go inside after it! That took forever and was extremely painful! She also had a hard time getting my uterus to contract so I was bleeding a lot. Once it finally contracted, then I still needed stitches. Needless to say, it was a huge ordeal and I have been very sore since! I am doing well now! Still in a little pain, but it was all worth it to have this wonderful little miracle! I would do it all again!
We are getting ready to go home today! I am so excited to introduce Jack to everything! We will keep you posted, but for now, here are a few pictures for everyone to enjoy!
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