Thursday, April 8, 2010

38 weeks!

Wow! I have been pregnant for 38 weeks. Only 14 days to go (or less...hopefully!) Here's another survey for everyone! We will continue to keep you posted on any progress I am making.

How far along: 38 weeks

How big is baby: between 6-7 pounds

Weight gain: 34 lbs...I am starting to slow down on how much I am gaining. I still don't know where the 34 lbs. are on my body...I am all belly!

Maternity clothes: of course!

Stretch Marks: yes! Unfortunately. Hoping that no more decided to pop out!

Sleep: I tend to sleep well every other night. One night I will sleep really well, the next I only get about 3 hours!

Best Moment of the week: Going to the doctor and hearing that I am already 3 1/2 cm dilated! It was also great to go to Piqua last weekend and be with all of Kevin's family. I got to meet some new relatives and it was great to go and get my mind off the whole baby thing.

Signs of labor: 3 1/2 cm dilated, 85% effaced, lots of braxton hicks contractions, lots of pressure and I have mastered the waddle. All I need are some real contractions and we will be set!

What I miss: seeing my ankles. Right now my legs and feet just run together. I also miss wearing my wedding rings. I hope that my fingers go back to their normal size so I can wear it again soon!

Cravings: nothing special. I am not as hungry as I used to be. I am running out of room for food!

Belly button: OUT!

What I am looking forward to: Our baby boy! Hurry up little guy, we want to meet you!

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