Friday, April 23, 2010

Big Day

Isn't he just the cutest! This is from his first bath the other night!

What an eventful day! Jack had his first doctor's appointment this morning. Everything went well. He weighs 6 lbs 15 oz. ( which is 4 oz more than when he left the hospital.) They claim he gained a 1/2 inch since we left the hospital, however, I don't think that is possible. I still think the hospital measured him wrong, but oh well, I'm not too concerned! The doctor thought he looked good and healthy and we go back when he is a month old.

Side note: All along, I have wanted to breast feed. We took a class on how to do it and didn't buy any formula before hand because we had every intention of making breastfeeding happen. Well Jack had other intentions. From the first time I tried breastfeeding when he was about 30 minutes old until the day we left the hospital, he would not latch on. He would do it for a few seconds and then stop. We tried everything. Each shift of nurses someone came in and gave me their 2 cents worth, but nothing helped! So the last night we were there, we made the decision to bottle feed. It was a hard decision for me, but I wanted to make sure our baby boy was eating. So they loaded us up with some small bottles of Similac and we began bottle feeding.

Now, fast forward to yesterday: well my milk supply decided to come in! And when I say come in, I mean I have enough milk for several babies. I never thought I would have this much milk since he never latched on. Well, because I already had a breast pump, I decided to start pumping. So far it has worked out great! Every time we feed Jack, I pump and then we bottle it and give it to him at the next feeding. On average I am getting about 6 oz. every time I pump, which for right now, is plenty of milk. So, I am not breastfeeding, but Jack is getting breast milk, which I am very happy about. Its also nice because Kevin or whoever else can help feed Jack. In addition, my boobs are enormous! I have been waiting my whole life for this...its great! hehe

Ok, back to today. After the doctor's we went to the hospital to get more parts for our breast pump. We then went to get Kevin's contacts. We were gone for about 2 hours and Jack slept the entire time. He really seems to like riding in the car!

We came back here and had someone come over to do a photo shoot with Jack. Although, Jack wasn't too excited about getting his picture taken. She took 646 pictures and I think he cried in 600 of them. I am crossing my fingers that some of them came out because we were really looking forward to them.

Now we are just trying to relax. Kevin is baking a cake for a dessert we are making. Jack is sound asleep on the boppy and I am just trying to relax ( I think I overdid it today!)

Tomorrow Kevin's family is coming to spend sometime with us! We are looking forward to that. Then my dad is coming Monday, my aunt and uncle are coming Tuesday and my mom and sis are coming Wed. - Sat. to help out since Kevin has to go back to work on Wednesday. (boo)

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