Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well yesterday Jack was 1 month old. The past few days he has been a little off. He has not been napping during the day like he normally does and his nights have been very restless. (Last night he was up almost every hour...which makes for a very tired baby and mommy.)

However, he is growing so much. He is getting cute chubby cheecks and he is starting to fill out around the middle. I think he is always going to have long skinny legs though! (I wonder where he gets that from??)

Here are some of his accomplishments over the last month:

- Drinks 4 oz. every 3-4 hours
- Normally goes to bed around 10, up at 2 to eat and then up again at 6.
- Starting at 3 1/2 week became a fan of his swing
- Loves to listen to music and often using his hands to "conduct"
- Holds onto your finger while you are feeding him
- Picks his head up while on your sholder to look around
- Enjoys getting a bath now, but does not like getting out...its too cold!
-Still in newborn diapers
- Still wearing newborn clothes

What a joy to have him in our lives...we couldn't image it any other way!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for keeping track of all of this - i never had the time to and I wish I did!!! I need to start putting cute lil things Auri does on my side!!!! :) Happy for you guys!
