Sunday, May 23, 2010

A relaxing day

What a great way to end the weekend! Jack had a great day today. Now let me back up a little to explain why we were so happy to have a great day today. Yesterday we went to Piqua to visit everyone. (Before we left, I said to Kevin, we have been very lucky with Jack, he has yet to need an outfit change during the day because of spitting up or an exploding diaper. So I only brought the extra outfit that is always in the diaper bag, just in case of emergencies. haha Famous last words) First we went to see Jack's great grandma and grandpa Keiser. They were very excited to meet him. While we were there he was very happy and enjoyed being in their arms. While we were there, Kevin fed Jack and the bottle leaked and soaked Jack's shirt. So we had to put the extra outfit on. I was very disappointed about this because he looked really cute and I had a matching pair of shoes for him too! (There is nothing cuter than a little baby in a pair of shoes!!) So we get back to Kevin's parents and we are visiting with everyone and Jack was not very happy. We all took turns trying to make him happy over the next few hours. At one point Kevin and I went with Brad to his house to see how the building of the new house was coming. When we got back, Jack is laying naked in a blanket because he not only decided to spit up but also poop all up his back. So now the only thing left to do is put him back in the dirty clothes from earlier. So needless to say, we will never leave the house again without several different outfits...just in case.

While we were there, we were convinced that something was wrong with him because of how fussy he was. Turns out. . .I think he was just overly tired and just being a baby because he slept the whole way home and then all night (except to feed once) and then didn't get up till 9:00 this morning! He has been a joy to be with today. We even caught him smiling at us for the first time!!!! Kevin was holding him and talking to him and he just kept looking up at him with a big grin on his face! It just about melted our hearts!

After taking a long walk and then a short car ride, Jack is out! (What is it about a car ride that puts a baby to sleep! ) We are hoping to have a repeat of last night and then I am hoping for an enjoyable day with him tomorrow!

So that was a bunch of rambling, but that was our weekend in a nutshell. Happy 5 week birthday to Jack! Have a good week everyone!

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