Sunday, May 23, 2010

A relaxing day

What a great way to end the weekend! Jack had a great day today. Now let me back up a little to explain why we were so happy to have a great day today. Yesterday we went to Piqua to visit everyone. (Before we left, I said to Kevin, we have been very lucky with Jack, he has yet to need an outfit change during the day because of spitting up or an exploding diaper. So I only brought the extra outfit that is always in the diaper bag, just in case of emergencies. haha Famous last words) First we went to see Jack's great grandma and grandpa Keiser. They were very excited to meet him. While we were there he was very happy and enjoyed being in their arms. While we were there, Kevin fed Jack and the bottle leaked and soaked Jack's shirt. So we had to put the extra outfit on. I was very disappointed about this because he looked really cute and I had a matching pair of shoes for him too! (There is nothing cuter than a little baby in a pair of shoes!!) So we get back to Kevin's parents and we are visiting with everyone and Jack was not very happy. We all took turns trying to make him happy over the next few hours. At one point Kevin and I went with Brad to his house to see how the building of the new house was coming. When we got back, Jack is laying naked in a blanket because he not only decided to spit up but also poop all up his back. So now the only thing left to do is put him back in the dirty clothes from earlier. So needless to say, we will never leave the house again without several different outfits...just in case.

While we were there, we were convinced that something was wrong with him because of how fussy he was. Turns out. . .I think he was just overly tired and just being a baby because he slept the whole way home and then all night (except to feed once) and then didn't get up till 9:00 this morning! He has been a joy to be with today. We even caught him smiling at us for the first time!!!! Kevin was holding him and talking to him and he just kept looking up at him with a big grin on his face! It just about melted our hearts!

After taking a long walk and then a short car ride, Jack is out! (What is it about a car ride that puts a baby to sleep! ) We are hoping to have a repeat of last night and then I am hoping for an enjoyable day with him tomorrow!

So that was a bunch of rambling, but that was our weekend in a nutshell. Happy 5 week birthday to Jack! Have a good week everyone!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Eventful Day!

Well we weren't planning to go to the doctor until Monday but after 2 very "off" days, I thought Jack needed to go today to make sure everything was ok. For the past 2 days every time I would feed him, he would scream and not finish his bottle (which isn't like him) then for the next 30-45 minutes he would cry and nothing would help him to stop. He also wasn't taking his normal 2-3 hour naps. So I called and talked to the nurse for a long time today and we agreed to move our appointment up to this afternoon. Luckily Kevin was able to take a longer lunch break and come with us!!!!

After talking to the doctor we agreed to try medicine for acid reflux because this was the only thing she could figure it could be. So we are starting on Zantac, 2 times a day. We are to try this for the next month and then we will go back at the end of June to reevaluate!

Now for the exciting part: his stats. Turns out our newborn is not a newborn any more. He is turning into a "big boy." He now weighs, 10lbs, 2 oz. He is 22 1/2 inches long! Wow. I can't believe he has gained 3 lbs. No wonder he is getting so heavy!!! She thought that everything else looked good. Unfortunately, he had to get a shot. His cry was like a delayed reaction but it didn't last long!

We also talked to her about switching to formula and how we go about doing that. She gave us good advice and now we have to decide when we are going to do it!

So that was our eventful afternoon. After a bottle when we got home, he is asleep in the swing, (hopefully for awhile because he has been awake since 9 am !!!)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Well yesterday Jack was 1 month old. The past few days he has been a little off. He has not been napping during the day like he normally does and his nights have been very restless. (Last night he was up almost every hour...which makes for a very tired baby and mommy.)

However, he is growing so much. He is getting cute chubby cheecks and he is starting to fill out around the middle. I think he is always going to have long skinny legs though! (I wonder where he gets that from??)

Here are some of his accomplishments over the last month:

- Drinks 4 oz. every 3-4 hours
- Normally goes to bed around 10, up at 2 to eat and then up again at 6.
- Starting at 3 1/2 week became a fan of his swing
- Loves to listen to music and often using his hands to "conduct"
- Holds onto your finger while you are feeding him
- Picks his head up while on your sholder to look around
- Enjoys getting a bath now, but does not like getting out...its too cold!
-Still in newborn diapers
- Still wearing newborn clothes

What a joy to have him in our lives...we couldn't image it any other way!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1 month old...already!

Here are Jack's one month old pictures...I will write about him tomorrow but right now I just wanted to upload the pictures for everyone to see.

Monday, May 17, 2010

4 weeks

Jack was 4 weeks old yesterday...I can hardly believe it. I can't believe my maternity leave is already a 1/3 over. I don't know how women go back to work after 6 weeks...there is no way I am ready for that. Tomorrow he will be a month old!

I took Jack to Goddard on Friday to show him off. We spent a couple of hours there walking around talking to everyone. Everyone thought he was cute and of course they were impressed with all of his hair! I introduced him to the babies in what will be his classroom. It will be interesting to see who will become his friends over the next few years!

This weekend I had to go out and buy more newborn clothes for him. Although it figures that I buy short sleeve shirts and then this week it is going to be cold and only in the 60's. (I thought having a baby at the end of April would be great cause the weather would be nice, but so far we haven't had very many nice days!) Jack is outgrowing the newborn one piece outfits but he can still wear the shirts and pants. Three month clothes are still huge on him, but I think we will have to start wearing them because he is running out of clothes. Right now he wears the same 3-4 things over and over. We have a ton of 3 month things, I actually wonder if he will have the chance to wear all of them because we have so many. We will slowly have to start buying him 6-9 month things for him to wear this fall!

Jack goes back to the doctor next Monday for his 1 month check up. I am anxious to see how much he weighs. I am guessing at least 8 lbs. Kevin measured him the other day and he has grown an inch and a half!

We are looking forward to Memorial Day weekend. We will be going to my parents house for the weekend. I am excited to go and show him off to friends and family there.

Not to brag about myself...but I am very happy to say that I only have 5 more pounds to loose until I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight! I am pretty excited to have lost 30 lbs in 4 weeks! I celebrated by going on a little shopping spree this weekend. I needed to update my closet a little! It was nice to try on clothes that did not have elastic waist bands or shirts that tie in the back!

As always...enjoy a few pics of our baby!

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Mother's Day

I had a great first mother's day! Kevin and Jack got me a gift card to get a massage and a craft set to make Jack's handprints! We enjoyed the day together and while Jack was napping Kevin and I spent some quality time together!

Jack celebrated his 3 week old birthday yesterday! I am really starting to notice a difference in him. His face is filling out and he is looking like a little baby now, not a newborn! Everyone told me to enjoy every minute because they grow up fast, but I didn't realize how fast it would be! Part of me feels like we just brought him home and the other part feels like he has been here forever! Jack is starting to hold you finger as you are giving him his bottle. He makes all kinds of faces while he is sleeping...its so cute to watch! He is still in newborn diapers and clothes...I don't think he is ever going to gain weight around his waiste...which is a problem with pants fitting him. (He is taking after his father in that department!) He drinks 4 oz of breast milk every 3-4 hours! He still hates the swing but likes the bouncy seat now. He is the only kid I know who does not like the swing! Hopefully he will learn to like it!

We are looking forward to Kevin's grandma and aunt coming to our house on Wednesday to meet Jack! Hopefully he will be on his best behavior! hehe

Hope everyone has a good week! I will leave you with a picture from his photo shoot! I will share more of them later once our families have a chance to see them!

Isn't he just the cutest!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Family Day

Tomorrow Kevin is off work and we have a jammed packed day ahead of us! We have a lot of things to accomplish. The first thing we have to do is take my car to get an estimate as to how much it will cost to repair the dent that is in my door. My wonderful neighbor, who we already didn't like, opened his door into my door on Saturday and left a nice dent and scratch. So we are getting an estimate to give to him so it can get fixed! After that we are hoping to go to the park with Jack!

Today I took Jack to Kevin's bank so his co-workers could meet him! Of course they all thought he was adorable! Kevin was a pretty proud daddy showing him off to everyone. Kevin is looking forward to Jack getting a social security number so he can have his own savings account!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lazy Sunday

We are having a lazy day. We went grocery shopping this morning and Jack slept the whole time (which was very nice for us!) Now we are just hanging out. Today is bath day so when he gets up from his nap, we will give him one. Now that his umbilical cord has fallen off, he can actually sit in the water, maybe he won't be so cold!

Of course while my sister was here she took lots of pictures, so here are some of those! Its hard to believe he is two weeks old today! Everyone always told me that time flies with kids and they weren't kidding!! Seems like Kevin and I were just walking the mall for hours trying to induce labor!

Well, enjoy the pictures and have a great Sunday!