So its been a little while since I have posted. We were really busy with Thanksgiving and decorating for Christmas. So...let's recap a little. My family came on Wednesday to help prepare everything for Thanksgiving. It was our first time cooking a turkey and I have to say it turned out really well. On Thursday, Kevin's parents came. It was great to see everyone and spend time with them. Kevin's parents left that day but my family stayed till Saturday. We did a little shopping on Friday for the baby. Actually we didn't buy anything . . . we just looked. We found a crib that I think we like, so we will see what happens with that.
Then the rest of the weekend, we spent getting things ready for Christmas. We made 2 trips to the storage unit to get all the stuff. We put up the tree and decorated all the stair rails. We did a little shopping but still have more to go.
And the last, but most important thing is . . .8 more days till we go to the doctor!!!! And that means 8 more days till we find out if we are having a girl or a boy!!!! I am so excited, these next 8 days need to go by real fast. I can't wait till we find out so we can begin all the buying.!!!
Only 8 days OMG!!! How exciting! We can't wait to hear the news!