Monday, December 7, 2009

20 weeks

Half way there! I can't believe it!!!! This past weekend I went home to see my family (Kevin unfortunately had to stay here because he had to work.) It was an eventful weekend. I saw a lot of people who have not seen me since I became pregnant. I cannot believe how many people wanted to touch my stomach!!! It seems like it is everyone's natural instinct to touch a pregnant woman's stomach! I went to my friend Krista's baby shower. It was the first time we saw each other pregnant. It was fun to be with her and celebrate this special time for her. I also got to see my other good friend Stef. We went out to dinner Saturday. This was the first time she has seen me since I am pregnant as well. It was fun to catch up with both of them. I think I am actually starting to look pregnant. I am wearing maternity clothes all the time now and people are starting to actually ask me. Different families at work are coming up to me and asking and some of them are asking the other teacher's because they don't want to ask incase I am not. I am looking forward to Wednesday when we find out the sex of our little one. It will be so nice to start saying he/she instead of "it" all the time. I am also starting to feel the baby move alot. I tend to feel it when I am sitting down or relaxing. It seems like when I am driving in the car, the baby is the most active. I wonder if that is a sign to come?

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