Thursday, March 21, 2013

34 week update

I went to get a non stress test on Tuesday (34 weeks 2 days.)  The girls were moving like crazy and they were having a really hard time getting their heart rates because they wouldn't stay on the monitor.  This is a good and bad thing.  Good because they are very active.  Bad because I have to sit still for a long time until they can get what they need on the monitor.  Luckily the nurses are wonderful and they never seem frustrated and they take all the time in the world with me. 

Once I left there, I went upstairs to my doctor's office.  My doctor was on vacation so I saw her sister instead.  Normally I am in and out of the office within 20 minutes but not so much this time.  Dr. Beth got called for a delivery so I waited over an hour. I know this is a regular for a lot of doctor's offices but honestly I have never had to do that with this pregnancy and with Jack.  I am very lucky!!!! 

When I finally did see the doctor, I was really impressed with her.  She knew all about me and what has been going on this pregnancy.  She took all the time in the world with me, which I appreciated as well.  So she asked if I was still working and I told her 5-6 hours a day.   She was ok with that until she checked my cervix.  Well to my surprise, I am 3-4 cm dilated.  This is when she started to get serious.  She told me I was done working as of that minute!  She told me I am not on complete bed rest but I need to be relaxing the majority of the day and whenever possible I need to be on my left side.  She also gave me a prescription for Procardia which is supposed to slow down the process of labor.  She also told me that she would be very surprised if I made it to my C-section day of April 5th.  She thought the girls would be here within 7-10 days!  WOW!  That was a lot of info.  I wasn't quite prepared for all of that.  My mind immediately started racing and trying to figure everything out.

So I went to work yesterday for a few hours to tie up all the loose ends.  I put up my out of office message on my email and sent out a letter to parents letting them know that the time has come and I would keep them posted as to when the girls arrive.

Jack definitely had a hard time this morning going to school. He is so used to being the first kid in the school and helping me get all the classrooms ready.  He wasn't quite sure what to do when we got there at 8 this morning and there were kids and parents everywhere.  So he had a very hard drop off and so begins the change in our lives.  I know he will be ok but its hard to leave him when he is so upset.

So today is my first day on the couch.  It is really hard for me to sit still and not be doing anything but I know it is what is best for me and the girls.  Every day they are inside, is one last day they will spend in the NICU.  If I make it to at least 36 weeks, the chances of them going to the NICU at all are very slim.  One thing I am trying to do while on the couch is work on Jack's baby book.  I figured since 2 more babies are coming, I better get caught up on his before all the information gets all mixed up in my head!

I will keep you posted!  Hoping they stay in for a few more weeks!!!

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