Monday, April 30, 2012

Outside Fun

We are loving the fact that we have a yard and things to do outside.  On nice nights, like tonight, we find ourselves outside from the time we get home from work until Jack has to get ready for bed.  Tonight, Jack and Kevin planted grass in the front yard where Kevin removed the tree stump.  Jack was such a little helper.  He loves the dirt and anything that involves getting messy.  When they were all done then he helped pick up all the tools and put them away.  Then it was time to cook dinner.  Kevin cooked on the grill and of course Jack wanted to help.  We enjoyed our chicken outside on our new table!  Jack was very excited to "Eat Outside!"

Then it was time for a baseball lesson.  Kevin took Jack out into the yard and helped Jack swing the bat. He loved it.

Finally, Jack enjoyed some leftover cake and ice cream from our party last night.  However, he was so busy playing in the sandbox and going down the slide, he hardly ate any ice cream. 

It was a fun night as a family!  We enjoyed being outside and spending time together.  Jack was a MESS after it was all said and done (when I picked him up to take him inside, rocks and sand fell out of his shirt and pants!)  so he went straight to the bath tub before bed!  We are looking forward to summer and all the fun times ahead!

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