Monday, April 30, 2012

Outside Fun

We are loving the fact that we have a yard and things to do outside.  On nice nights, like tonight, we find ourselves outside from the time we get home from work until Jack has to get ready for bed.  Tonight, Jack and Kevin planted grass in the front yard where Kevin removed the tree stump.  Jack was such a little helper.  He loves the dirt and anything that involves getting messy.  When they were all done then he helped pick up all the tools and put them away.  Then it was time to cook dinner.  Kevin cooked on the grill and of course Jack wanted to help.  We enjoyed our chicken outside on our new table!  Jack was very excited to "Eat Outside!"

Then it was time for a baseball lesson.  Kevin took Jack out into the yard and helped Jack swing the bat. He loved it.

Finally, Jack enjoyed some leftover cake and ice cream from our party last night.  However, he was so busy playing in the sandbox and going down the slide, he hardly ate any ice cream. 

It was a fun night as a family!  We enjoyed being outside and spending time together.  Jack was a MESS after it was all said and done (when I picked him up to take him inside, rocks and sand fell out of his shirt and pants!)  so he went straight to the bath tub before bed!  We are looking forward to summer and all the fun times ahead!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday

Jack had a wonderful second birthday party last weekend.  It was a mickey mouse theme.  It was a beautiful day outside so he got to enjoy some of his new gifts outside!

 Being goofy with cousin Mitch!

 Opening one of his many presents

 Going down the new slide!
 Getting ready to blow out the candles

 Enjoying cake and icecream

All tired out after a wonderful birthday!

I took Jack to the doctor's on Friday for his 2 year check up.  The doctor said everything looks good.  He didn't need any shots and doesn't need any more until he is 5!  This was the first trip to the doctor where he didn't cry.  He no longer has to get naked and sit on the scale.  Once you are 2 you get to stand on the big kid scale!

Here are some of his stats!

- He is 28.6 lbs (55 percentile) and 36 inches tall (95 percentile)

- He wears size 4 diapers.  We are encouraging him to use the potty but we are not actively potty training.  He goes on the potty several times a day and occasionally stays dry in between times but he never asks to use the potty.

-  He wears 24 month shirts 18 month pants but they are getting short on him.  He can wear 12 and 18 month shorts.  He wears 2T pajamas. He also wears a size 6 shoe.

-  He goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps til 6 or 7 in the morning.  He takes one afternoon nap a day that is about 1-2 hours.

-  He talks up a storm!  He is saying sentences that can have up to 6 words in them.  He is very curious and wants to see everything.

- He loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and has recently discovered Tarzan and watching that movie whenever possible.

- He DOES NOT use a binky anymore!!!  One night the end of May he didn't ask for it before bed, so I didn't give it to him.  The next night he cried for 10 minutes but fell asleep without it.  The third night he didn't ask and has been good without it since then.  We definitely think he missed it at first.  He didn't have a security item to comfort him when he was upset.  It was a tough few weeks but we got through it and he seems fine now!

- He loves anything with a motor.  He loves to watch for BIG trucks, buses, motorcyles, lawn mowers and airplanes!  He constantly wants to do what daddy is doing.  He loves to be outside and dig with his shovel.  Moving into our new house has been great so he can be outside!

- Jack is a picky eater.  He did so well as first with trying foods but now it is hard to get him to eat.  His favorite food is pasta.  He also likes chicken, hotdogs, sausage, mac and cheese and pizza.  He still really likes fruits but will not eat any vegetables.  He loves ice cream and tries to have some every night after dinner.