Monday, December 31, 2012


Our family
Opening presents at Grammy and Grandpa's

Jack's new barn is not only big enough for all of his new farm equipment but he can fit inside too!

Jack and cousin Katelyn...Mitch did not want to be in the picture...we tried!

Playing the guitar at the DeWeese family Christmas party!

Helping to shovel the snow.  They had to do that alot this week!

Aunt Kassie got Jack a new over night bag...its big enough for Jack to fit inside...comfortably!

Trying out his new goggles.  These are important for all the work he does with Daddy!

We had a great Christmas with everyone.  We have one more party in a few weeks with my dad's family.  Everyone is coming to Columbus!  We are looking forward to seeing everyone and showing off our house!  After that, we are in operation get ready for baby sisters!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ho Ho Ho

Today the owner of our school dressed up like Santa and walked around the school. He was able to fool most of the kids, even Jack.   At first Jack clung to my leg and was checking him out from afar but then he started asking me questions such as, "Where is his sleigh?"  "Where are the reindeer?"  "How did he get in the school?"  I finally told him, he needed to go ask Santa himself, so he climbed up on his lap and started talking.  It was so cute.  He told Santa he wanted a Choo-Choo train! I am so lucky to be there with him so I can see all these special moments!

Some Ultrasound Pics

So I realized that I haven't posted very many ultrasound pictures of the girls! Here are a few over the past few times we have gone to the high risk doctor.  Every time we go they take about 50 different pictures and then they put them on a disk for us to take home.  It is so nice.  We get so many pictures and they are pretty good quality as well!
This is one of the rare pictures of both of them together.  At this point they were laying on top of each other.  Since then they are both head down!
This is baby b's head on the left and baby a's head on the right.  I beleive that those are baby a's arms trying to "punch" her sister!  They are fighting already!
Here they are head to head!
This is baby a.  She was laying face down last week when this was taken.  We did not get very many face shots this week.  They were both being shy.  
This is baby b at 20 weeks.  She was also being stubborn and not wanting to show her face. The important thing this week was that the doctor was able to look at their hearts.  Both girls put on a great show for that and the doctor was able to see eveything he needed!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

21 weeks

I am 21 weeks today.  These pictures were taken last week, so my belly has grown a little, but you get the picture.  I had an appointment with the high risk doctor and my regular OB this week.  The high risk doctor spent a lot of time looking at the girls' hearts.  And we are happy to report that they look great.  Nothing to worry about.  In the words of the doctor, "Those little stinkers gave us quite a scare in the beginning for nothing."  We will continue to go to the high risk doctor every 2-3 weeks for the rest of my pregnancy just to keep monitoring them since they are identical, but eveything looks to be good for here on out.  I asked my regular doctor when I should expect to deliver them and she said the goal is 34 weeks and the max would be 37 weeks.  So I am already half way there.

I am starting to have braxton hicks contractions pretty regularly but that is to be expected.  I have only gained about 11 pounds, which is fine with me!  My blood pressure was actually normal last time which is great for me because normally it is high. I can only fit into maternity clothes.  My regular clothes are officially too small.

When I am home, I try to take it easy because I want to keep working as long as possible.  When I asked about bed rest, the doctor said it would definitely happen and we will start talking about it around 28 weeks.  Until then, I will try to take it easy!

We are looking forward to Christmas next week.  Jack is really getting into it this year!  Just wait till next year. . .

Saturday, November 17, 2012

16 weeks

I am now over 16 weeks pregnant.  I went to both the high risk doctor and my regular OB this week.  We got very goo news from the high risk doctor.  The fluid on the back of the girls necks is completely gone!  Debbie, our ultrasound tech measured them both and baby a is 6oz and baby b is 5 oz.  Both her and the doctor said everything looked great.  I did find out that I will go to the high risk every 2 weeks for the rest of my pregnancy to keep a close eye on them since they are identical.

Here are a few of my stats:

Total weight gained: 3 pounds
Stretch marks: no new ones
Sleep:Between Jack coming into our room and me not sleeping, its not great!  I wake up every 1-2 hours.
Best moment of the week: hearing the fluid is gone on the babies
Movement: lots of little flutters
Food craving: nothing really
Belly button: Its out!  This didn't happen until much later with Jack.
What I miss: Being able to have a vodka and tonic...hehe
What I am looking forward to: having both of our families here for Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

3D Ultra Sound of Twins

Here is a short video of the twins. Their heads are at the top and their feet are touching at the bottom. This was taken at 13 weeks and 2 days.

Here is another one.

Monday, October 22, 2012

13 weeks and an update

We have been very busy the past few weeks. I am happy to report that I am heading out of the first trimester and hopefully gaining some energy back. We now know that we are for sure having identical twins. Jack loves telling everyone that there are babies in mommy's tummy, although he still has no idea what that means to his little world.

This was taken this past Sunday (10/21) I was 13 weeks.  I am starting to have a little bit of a baby bump.  Today I went to put on my pants for work and they would not button.  I almost put maternity pants on, but instead I got out a safety pin and held them together that way.
Jack is loving fall. His favorite color is orange so of course he is obsessed with pumpkins. We have read the same pumpkin book before bed every night for the past 3 weeks. Jack was lucky to pick pumpkins from grandpa DeWeese's little pumpkin patch. We also went to a local place this past weekend to add to his collection. We are looking forward to turning one of his many pumpkins into a JACK-o-lantern this weekend.

We have made 2 trips to the apple orchard this fall. Jack loved coming home and making homemade applesauce with me. He also enjoyed eating it. He is looking forward to Halloween next week. He is going to be a pirate. He decided this all by himself. We are excited to take him trick or treating. This will be the first time he will go.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


On Friday, August 17th, Kevin and I found out we were expecting for the second time.  We were going to my parents for the weekend to see all of my family and although I wanted to tell everyone, we decided to wait a little while before spilling the beans.  We finally let the cat out of the bag on Labor Day weekend.  Needless to say, everyone was really excited to welcome another bundle of joy into the family. Little did we know it is not just one baby. . .

On Thursday, September 20th, I had my first doctor's appointment.  Kevin and I were there bright and early to meet with a nurse. After making us sign some papers and telling me what I am allowed and not allowed to eat, we went back to the waiting room to wait for the doctor.  We knew our lives were about to change but little did we know by how much.  Promptly at 9:30, the nurse came and got us and took us to the ultra sound room.  The doctor came in and began making small talk.  We were discussing Jack and how being pregnant the second time was a little different because you are not only tired from being pregnant but also from chasing a toddler around.

It came time for the ultra sound and I think the doctor said something to the effect of, "Let's make sure there is only one baby in there."  I jokingly said, "It wouldn't surprise me if there were two because I tend to follow in my friend's footsteps and she had twins." 
Side note:  For those of you who don't know, the director at our school, Mandy, and I are very close.  I met Mandy when I bought her condo in 2006.  While at the closing, she mentioned that she was an assistant director at a preschool.  I told her that I was new to the area and needed a job.  That's how I started working at Goddard.  Shortly after, Mandy became the director and I the assistant. A few years later, Mandy got pregnant and then 10 weeks later so did I.  It has been a joke that I follow in her footsteps. So we have always said that when I got pregnant, it would be with twins.

Back to Thursday, so there we are, the ultra sound begins and instantly, the doctor and I see that there are TWO babies there!  The doctor practically fell off her chair and we all started laughing.  Who would have ever thought!  Kevin sat there in shock and I couldn't stop laughing and smiling.

The doctor thinks that the babies will be identical because although there are two sacks, there is only one placenta, which typically means identical.  I told her that if that was the case, could she please make them girls cause I don't think I could handle 3 boys!  She laughed and told me that it was already decided and there was nothing she could do.

She told us a bunch of other things, but honestly I don't remember.  I was in such shock I couldn't comprehend anything.  I do know that I go back in 4 weeks and every time I go, I will get an ultrasound...which is cool!  I also know that I will also have a high risk ultrasound done at some point to make sure everything is ok.  She told us between 16 and 20 weeks we could find out what we are having!

Kevin and I are happy, excited, nervous and scared all at the same time.  We keep discussing how things are going to change and our lives as we know it will never be the same.  Poor Jack has no idea what is coming.  He knows mommy is having 2 babies and that they are in my tummy but he has no idea how this is going to impact his life!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over these next 7 months!  We are looking forward to this adventure.  I am sure its going to be a wild ride!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

27 month update

Jack just so happens to be 27 months old today so I thought it might be a good idea to give a little update because it has been a while since I updated this.

Here are some things Jack is doing:

- Jack is 95% potty trained.  He really started to get it the middle of June.  It just kinda clicked with him.  It took him a couple of weeks to poop in the potty but once he did it once, that clicked too!  He wears underwear everyday and a diaper when he goes to bed at night.  I can count on one hand how many accidents he has had in the last month.  We are so proud of him and can't believe we don't have to buy a box of diapers every week! Whenever Jack goes on the potty he gets a "jelly bean."  It is really a skittle but he calls them jelly beans.  When he poops on the potty at school, he gets a tatoo.  Right now he has 6 of them on his tummy.  He looks like a little biker boy!

- Jack's favorite color is orange. Whenever he has a choice and there is something orange, he will ALWAYS pick it!  When he sees something that is orange, he says, "That's orange my favorite!"

-  Jack has a girlfriend.  My friend Mandy has twins, a boy and a girl who are 10 weeks older than Jack.  He has been in the same class at school with them since he started.  Mandy and I have always joked that her daughter Olivia and Jack are more like twins then her son and daughter.  They are both very bright for their age.  Olivia is also potty trained and I really think the reason Jack is potty trained is he was jealous that Olivia got to use the potty at school and he didn't.  Jack calls Olivia, Livy Loo.  They sit by each other at lunch.  They give each other hugs before they leave every day and they have even been caught sitting on each other's laps and giving each other kisses on the cheek.  It is so cute.  Mandy and I starting to plan their wedding in 2032.

- Jack is obsessed with the farm, grandpa's farm that is.  This summer he has had the chance to go stay with Grammy and Grandpa a few times and he has loved every minute.  He loves the tractor, fork lift and the big truck.  The last time he was there, he got to ride in the tractor and spray the fields with grandpa.  He also got to raise the fork lift up and down all by himself and they put his car seat in the big truck and got to go for a ride with grandpa.  He was in heaven and living every little boy's dream.  Whenever you tell him we are going somewhere he always asks to go to the farm!   I have a feeling he is going to be spending lots of summers working on the farm with Grandpa and Uncle Brad.

We are going to the Lake House with my family in 2 weeks so I will post some pictures of that when we return.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Outside Fun

We are loving the fact that we have a yard and things to do outside.  On nice nights, like tonight, we find ourselves outside from the time we get home from work until Jack has to get ready for bed.  Tonight, Jack and Kevin planted grass in the front yard where Kevin removed the tree stump.  Jack was such a little helper.  He loves the dirt and anything that involves getting messy.  When they were all done then he helped pick up all the tools and put them away.  Then it was time to cook dinner.  Kevin cooked on the grill and of course Jack wanted to help.  We enjoyed our chicken outside on our new table!  Jack was very excited to "Eat Outside!"

Then it was time for a baseball lesson.  Kevin took Jack out into the yard and helped Jack swing the bat. He loved it.

Finally, Jack enjoyed some leftover cake and ice cream from our party last night.  However, he was so busy playing in the sandbox and going down the slide, he hardly ate any ice cream. 

It was a fun night as a family!  We enjoyed being outside and spending time together.  Jack was a MESS after it was all said and done (when I picked him up to take him inside, rocks and sand fell out of his shirt and pants!)  so he went straight to the bath tub before bed!  We are looking forward to summer and all the fun times ahead!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday

Jack had a wonderful second birthday party last weekend.  It was a mickey mouse theme.  It was a beautiful day outside so he got to enjoy some of his new gifts outside!

 Being goofy with cousin Mitch!

 Opening one of his many presents

 Going down the new slide!
 Getting ready to blow out the candles

 Enjoying cake and icecream

All tired out after a wonderful birthday!

I took Jack to the doctor's on Friday for his 2 year check up.  The doctor said everything looks good.  He didn't need any shots and doesn't need any more until he is 5!  This was the first trip to the doctor where he didn't cry.  He no longer has to get naked and sit on the scale.  Once you are 2 you get to stand on the big kid scale!

Here are some of his stats!

- He is 28.6 lbs (55 percentile) and 36 inches tall (95 percentile)

- He wears size 4 diapers.  We are encouraging him to use the potty but we are not actively potty training.  He goes on the potty several times a day and occasionally stays dry in between times but he never asks to use the potty.

-  He wears 24 month shirts 18 month pants but they are getting short on him.  He can wear 12 and 18 month shorts.  He wears 2T pajamas. He also wears a size 6 shoe.

-  He goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps til 6 or 7 in the morning.  He takes one afternoon nap a day that is about 1-2 hours.

-  He talks up a storm!  He is saying sentences that can have up to 6 words in them.  He is very curious and wants to see everything.

- He loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and has recently discovered Tarzan and watching that movie whenever possible.

- He DOES NOT use a binky anymore!!!  One night the end of May he didn't ask for it before bed, so I didn't give it to him.  The next night he cried for 10 minutes but fell asleep without it.  The third night he didn't ask and has been good without it since then.  We definitely think he missed it at first.  He didn't have a security item to comfort him when he was upset.  It was a tough few weeks but we got through it and he seems fine now!

- He loves anything with a motor.  He loves to watch for BIG trucks, buses, motorcyles, lawn mowers and airplanes!  He constantly wants to do what daddy is doing.  He loves to be outside and dig with his shovel.  Moving into our new house has been great so he can be outside!

- Jack is a picky eater.  He did so well as first with trying foods but now it is hard to get him to eat.  His favorite food is pasta.  He also likes chicken, hotdogs, sausage, mac and cheese and pizza.  He still really likes fruits but will not eat any vegetables.  He loves ice cream and tries to have some every night after dinner.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Swim lessons

Jumping in the water
Waving to mommy
getting used to the water
Jack had his first swim lesson tonight. It is a parent and child class so Kevin got in the water with him while I took pictures from the side. It took Jack about a minute to warm up to it but then he loved it. The instructor was really good and really knew what to do with the kids. She did lots of music with them. A lot of the songs were ones Jack already knows, so he really liked that. He got to move his arms, kick his feet, blow bubbles and dunk daddy ( I think that was his favorite part!) He was probably the oldest in his class since it is a 6-24 month class. (He had to be 2 by the first day of class in order to be in the next oldest class.)
Kevin and I are really glad we signed him up and are looking forward to the next 8 weeks!

Monday, February 20, 2012

22 months old

Jack turned 22 months old a few days ago. Its been awhile since I have written an update so here it goes.

- 26.6 lbs. I know this because once again we were at the doctor this month. The good thing is, Jack gained a pound since we were at the doctor last month.

- He is in size 4 diapers. We switched to Target brand diapers because they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much cheaper and they work just as good. But I am hoping we don't have to buy them for very much longer because Jack is showing interest in going on the potty. Infact the other day he went 3 times in one day! He is consistantly going before bed every night but it seems like he is going even more!

- He is wearing 18-24 month clothes. He wears 18 month pants because he is so skinny but 24 month shirts. He is even wearing some 2T things. He wears both 18 and 24 month jammies.

- Jack talks up a storm. He knows most of his colors but if you specifically ask him what color something is, he says "Red!" He can count but still mixes up the numbers some time. He says the ABCs but in his own way. He can count to 3 in Spanish. He is now putting 3-4 words together.

- He plays by himself really well. He can entertain himself which is nice for Kevin and I sometimes.

- He is a picky eater. He loves pasta, fruit and yogurt and will always eat them if they are in front of him. Anything else is hit or miss. He will love it one time and then refuse to touch it the next. This makes dinners really challenging. He absolutely refuses to even try vegetables any more. He will go hungry before putting a carrot, pea, green bean or corn in his mouth.

- Jack loves books. He loves to look at them by himself and he loves to be read to. He really enjoys books with animals in them.

- We have some pets....kind of. We have started putting nuts out for the squirrels and they love it and jack loves watching them. It is so cute to watch how excited he gets when they are eating the food. Every night when he comes home from school, he has to refill the container for them.

- He goes to bed around 7:30 pm and gets up anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning.

- Jack loves school and his teachers "Tippany" and "Tina" (Tiffany and Justina.) He has a bunch of friends and his new thing is to tell on them when I come to pick him up. He has learned so much from them and we are so thankful for all that they do for him. There is no way we could teach him all the things he has learned at Goddard.

I woul love to include a picture, but our computer crashed a few weeks ago and we haven't uploaded all the pictures from the old computer. So pictures to come!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Lots of Christmas Pictures

Hanging out with cousin Katelyn...up to trouble as usual.

Riding cousin Katelyn's 4 wheeler. She was scared of it. Jack loved it!

Jack's new ball pit he got from mommy and daddy

Opening presents Christmas morning

Where's Jack? Hiding in ALL of the presents!

Family picture...Jack's new "cheese" face

A group picture from our Christmas party with all of the kids from our birthing class. They are all about 20 months old in this picture.

Baking cookies with mommy

What a great holiday we had!