How far along: 33 weeks 2 days
Weight gain: about 25 pounds... I go to the doctor on Wednesday so I will get an accurate number then.
Baby's weight: I am not sure. . .probably about 4 lbs. That is another question I have for the doctor this week.
Maternity clothes: of course and some are getting too small.
Stretch marks: the same
Sleep: still about the same
Best moment of the week: There are a few this week. 1. My shower on Saturday in Piqua. It was great and we got a bunch of fun stuff! 2. My mom and sister coming this past weekend and finishing the nursery! 3. Kevin and I going to BabiesRUs today and getting all the last minute things for the nursery. We are set. Our little guy can come anytime now!
Signs of labor: Just braxton hicks contractions. I have decided that April 14th would be a great day to have a baby!!
What I miss: Moving without being in pain. My feet are hurting. My back aches and I am tired!
Cravings: carbs and sweets!
Belly button: It is out and you can often see it thru my shirt!
What I am looking forward to: Going to the doctor this week to get an uppdate!
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