Tuesday, November 12, 2013

7 months

I know I skipped their six month post but I feel like I just need to move on to 7 months instead of going back.

Morgan and Addison at 6 months
Here are their 7 month stats:


- 14 lbs 1 oz.  She is only in the 3rd percentile.  She may be tiny but she is growing and the doctor is happy with that.
- sleeps from 7:30 pm - 5:30 am.  Goes back to sleep in the morning until school.  She takes 2-3 naps a day.  She sleeps all night
- wears 6 month clothes
- wears size 1 diapers
- eats four 6 oz bottles a day.
- eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, vegetable for lunch and a protein and vegetable for dinner
- she can sit with some support.  When she is not thinking about it she can sit but then slowly falls over.
- she can get on her knees and rock back and forth but doesn't go anywhere.
- rolls all over the place
- can move backwards while laying on her stomach
- takes after her brother and loves being in the jumperoo
- sucks her two middle fingers


- weighs 13 lbs 8 oz.  She is barely on the growth curve but she gained a pound in a month, so the doctor is happy with that!
- takes after Jack with sleeping, or lack of it!  She goes to bed at 7:30 but wakes up at least 1 time a night, sometimes 2.  She gets 2-3 oz of formula when she wakes up.  She takes 2-3 naps a day.
- She is offered four 6 six oz. bottles each day but she very often leaves some.
- She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, a vegetable for lunch and a protein and vegetable for dinner.
- She wears 6 month clothes and size 1 diapers still
- She can sit unsupported
- She gets up on her knees and has begun to "lunge" forward.  If there is a toy out in front of her, she will try to get it.
- She likes to get up on her tip toes and hands and form a pyramid with her body
- She enjoys playing in the exersaucer

The girls are looking more and more alike.  I often have to do a double take when looking at them.  they are very happy girls and we are blessed to have them in our lives!
Morgan and Addison

Morgan and Addison

Fall Fun

We went to visit the apple orchard and pumpkin patch this fall.  Wanted to share some pictures.  We all had a fun.
Morgan picking her first apple

Addie spying her first apple

Farmer Jack

Finding the perfect pumpkin

Morgan found her pumpkin

Jack and Addison

the three amigos