Monday, December 31, 2012


Our family
Opening presents at Grammy and Grandpa's

Jack's new barn is not only big enough for all of his new farm equipment but he can fit inside too!

Jack and cousin Katelyn...Mitch did not want to be in the picture...we tried!

Playing the guitar at the DeWeese family Christmas party!

Helping to shovel the snow.  They had to do that alot this week!

Aunt Kassie got Jack a new over night bag...its big enough for Jack to fit inside...comfortably!

Trying out his new goggles.  These are important for all the work he does with Daddy!

We had a great Christmas with everyone.  We have one more party in a few weeks with my dad's family.  Everyone is coming to Columbus!  We are looking forward to seeing everyone and showing off our house!  After that, we are in operation get ready for baby sisters!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ho Ho Ho

Today the owner of our school dressed up like Santa and walked around the school. He was able to fool most of the kids, even Jack.   At first Jack clung to my leg and was checking him out from afar but then he started asking me questions such as, "Where is his sleigh?"  "Where are the reindeer?"  "How did he get in the school?"  I finally told him, he needed to go ask Santa himself, so he climbed up on his lap and started talking.  It was so cute.  He told Santa he wanted a Choo-Choo train! I am so lucky to be there with him so I can see all these special moments!

Some Ultrasound Pics

So I realized that I haven't posted very many ultrasound pictures of the girls! Here are a few over the past few times we have gone to the high risk doctor.  Every time we go they take about 50 different pictures and then they put them on a disk for us to take home.  It is so nice.  We get so many pictures and they are pretty good quality as well!
This is one of the rare pictures of both of them together.  At this point they were laying on top of each other.  Since then they are both head down!
This is baby b's head on the left and baby a's head on the right.  I beleive that those are baby a's arms trying to "punch" her sister!  They are fighting already!
Here they are head to head!
This is baby a.  She was laying face down last week when this was taken.  We did not get very many face shots this week.  They were both being shy.  
This is baby b at 20 weeks.  She was also being stubborn and not wanting to show her face. The important thing this week was that the doctor was able to look at their hearts.  Both girls put on a great show for that and the doctor was able to see eveything he needed!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

21 weeks

I am 21 weeks today.  These pictures were taken last week, so my belly has grown a little, but you get the picture.  I had an appointment with the high risk doctor and my regular OB this week.  The high risk doctor spent a lot of time looking at the girls' hearts.  And we are happy to report that they look great.  Nothing to worry about.  In the words of the doctor, "Those little stinkers gave us quite a scare in the beginning for nothing."  We will continue to go to the high risk doctor every 2-3 weeks for the rest of my pregnancy just to keep monitoring them since they are identical, but eveything looks to be good for here on out.  I asked my regular doctor when I should expect to deliver them and she said the goal is 34 weeks and the max would be 37 weeks.  So I am already half way there.

I am starting to have braxton hicks contractions pretty regularly but that is to be expected.  I have only gained about 11 pounds, which is fine with me!  My blood pressure was actually normal last time which is great for me because normally it is high. I can only fit into maternity clothes.  My regular clothes are officially too small.

When I am home, I try to take it easy because I want to keep working as long as possible.  When I asked about bed rest, the doctor said it would definitely happen and we will start talking about it around 28 weeks.  Until then, I will try to take it easy!

We are looking forward to Christmas next week.  Jack is really getting into it this year!  Just wait till next year. . .