Sunday, September 18, 2011

17 months

Another month has quickly come and gone and Jack is one month shy of being a year and a half old! Here are a few stats

- 24 lbs and probably about 31-32 inches tall.

- 12 and 18 month shirts, he needs 18 month pants for the length but 12 month for the waist so we are having trouble with them.

- size 3 and 4 diapers. We keep thinking he is going to be in 4's but they still seem a little big sometimes so we have some of both.

-He sleeps from 7:30 pm to 7 am on a regular basis and takes 1 nap a day which will last for about 1-2 hours, sometimes longer if we are lucky!

-he loves to climb up and down the stairs and would much rather walk up and down them instead of going on his stomach, which scares me to death!

-He absolutely loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on tv. He calls it "Meeska." He stands right in front of the tv to watch and dances to all the songs! This allows me to get a few things done while he is busy!

-He loves to read books. One of his favorite things to do is sit in his room and pull EVERY SINGLE book off of his shelf and read it! This is another thing that will keep him busy while I try to get something done.

-His vocabulary is growing by the day. He is starting to repeat what we say (which we have to be careful with!) He says "Ya, Ya" all the time but I am yet to figure out what he means by it!

-We have been going to the local school's playground a lot recently. Jack absolutely loves to play there. He loves to climb all the ladders and go down the slides. He thinks he is pretty hot stuff.

We put him to work at a young age!