Wow...its been a whole month since the last time I wrote. Things have been busy around here. Our baby is already showing signs of a toddler! He is busy, Busy, BUSY! He doesn't doesn't stop from the moment he pops his little head up in the morning until the minute it hits the pillow each night! At school, his teachers say that they can constantly see the wheels turning in his head. As soon as he gets one thing out he is already thinking about the next thing he wants to do. What a difference a year makes. Kevin and I were talking at dinner about how much things have changed over the past year.
Here are some things he is doing new this month. . .
- I would guess that he is about 22 lbs but I am not positive.
- He wears mostly 12 month clothes. He wears 18 month pajamas. Although, when it was nice last week, I put a pair of 3-6 month shorts on him and they fit perfectly...hehe
- He sleeps about 11-12 hours a night. He is tending to go to bed earlier and earlier. This school stuff really wears him out. We are lucky if he makes it until 7:00 pm. When he is at school he takes one afternoon nap however, on weekends he is still taking a morning and afternoon nap.
- He loves to EAT! especially pasta and fruit. He could live off of them if we would let him. He doesn't even have the food in his mouth before he is signing and saying "more." Its so cute and funny.
- Speaking of more...its one of his favorite words. He says it ALL. THE. TIME. The other day we were driving in the car and all he kept saying was "more." Yet he didn't have anything to want or need more.
- He isn't saying much but he will say ball and Jack. We are encouraging him to keep talking. He babbles a lot but it doesn't all make sense.
- He loves the "Five Little Monkeys." We showed him a very corny version of it on our iphone one time and he is hooked. He thinks that whenever he sees a computer or our phones that he has to watch the monkeys. He bops his head and waves his arms while it is playing.
- He is becoming attached to a long floppy eared bunny. He loves to carry it by the ear and hold the ear up to his nose. We will ask Jack if we can have a sniff and he will put the ear up to our noses as well.
- Over all he is just a fun loving little guy. He is loving the warmer weather and loves going outside at school. His favorite outdoor toy is the lawn mower. He is constantly pushing it around.
Another month has quickly come and gone. Wonder what this next month has in store for us?
(p.s. I would love to include a picture....but unfortunately our computer is not allowing me to upload anything right stay tuned for those!)