Sunday, March 27, 2011

More, More

One of the thing that Jack's teachers teach him is sign language. They start it about 6-8 months with the kids. They show the kids a bunch of different signs but some of the most important are "please", "thank you", "more" and "all done." I have been working on them at home too and guess what...Jack has finally picked up on one of them! On Thursday night, I signed "more" before giving him more oranges and he signed it back! I was so excited. I told Ms. Diane, his teacher, about it on Friday and she asked him more during his breakfast on Friday and he signed it again! This weekend, he has been signing "more" no stop during meals. I really think he gets it and it is so cute! I love that he can communicate with us and at such a young age! In other news, Jack got his 7th haircut yesterday. Although, this time we didn't go to Cookie Cutters. Jack's daddy decided he could give him a haircut instead. We sat Jack in his high chair, put Baby Einstein on for him to watch and I fed him ice cream. He did so well. He sat very still and did not cry at all. Kevin did a great job too. For the most part it is pretty even and of course Jack looks adorable! It sure will save us a lot of money if Kevin is able to continue this. Who would have ever guessed that Jack would need so many haircuts?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

11 month pictures

Sitting on the tractor wheel
Waving to his fans!

Jack climbed into the toy box to find his favorite book

Sitting with daddy in the tractor

Love my little man!

This hat was made for him when he was a newborn by his great, great aunt Margaret
He found it and wanted it on, but its a little small now!

11 months

Jack turned 11 months on Friday. Kevin and I took the day off. We spent the morning together before taking Jack to grandma and grandpa DeWeese's so we could have a night away. Jack had a great time visiting. Cousin Katelyn came over and we heard they had a great time together. Jack loves that he can chase after her now. Before we left, we took Jack to the farm and Kevin let him sit in the tractor. He LOVED it! He thought he was so cool trying to drive it and of course he wanted to tough all of the buttons. He has reached a lot of milestones this past month...check them out.

- He is about 20.5 lbs and 30 1/2 inches tall. (We have been to the doctor a lot lately, so those are fairly accurate.)

- He wears size 3 diapers.

- He wears mostly 9 month clothes, however, he is just starting to wear 12 month things. He has been in 12 month jammies since Christmas.

- He goes to bed around 7:30 pm and gets up around 6:30 am. If he doesn't have to go to school, he will go back to sleep until 7:30 or 8:00 am.

- He is walking, I mean running, all over the place. He rarely crawls.

- He loves to climb the stairs and can do it very quickly. Coming down is still a challenge. He thinks he can walk down them.

- He points to everything.

- He waves bye-bye and says the "b" sound as he does it sometimes.

- When we say "Hello" he pretends to hold a telephone to his ear. He also says something that sounds like hello as he is doing it.

- He is completely off baby food and only eats finger foods.

- He attempts to drink 3 bottles a day. An 8 oz. bottle in the morning, a 7 oz. bottle at 3:00 pm and a 6 oz. bottle before bed, however he is very stubborn and is not doing very well with them. Sometimes he drains them and other times he leaves 3-4 oz.

- He loves to read books. His favorite book is the Christmas dog book.

- His other favorite toy is the toy computer.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New things

Although Jack has been under the weather this past week, he has managed to learn some new things. He now gives High 5's. He has no idea why he is doing it but he gets a huge grin on his face and giggles when he does. He also waves hello and good bye. Kevin and I just kept saying bye bye Jack and he kept waving. Its so cute. Finally, he loves to hold our iphones up to his ear and it sounds like he is saying "hello" when he does this. I love it! He also enjoys riding in his little car. We push him around in it and he pushes the horn the whole time. He gets the biggest smile on his face and acts like he is large and in charge while driving around.

Jack has been battling a nasty virus since last Tuesday. We took him to the doctor and she said he had an ear infection and this virus. He has been miserable! Coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, fever...the works! Its been a rough couple of days. He ended up missing 4 days of school. (Thank you grandpa DeWeese for staying with him some of the days!) We went back to school today. He is definitely better but still not a 100%. He was very clingy today, which is hard on the teachers when there are 11 other children that need their attention too!
We are looking forward to this weekend. We took Friday off and Kevin and I are going to Cincy over night and Jack is staying at Grandma and Grandpa DeWeese's. We are looking forward to a mommy and daddy night and Jack is look forward to being spoiled!

This was taken a few weeks ago when he got his first big cut under his eye. He is definitely all boy. I am sure this is just the first of many black eyes!