Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sweet potatoes

So after trying peas for the past 5 days, I finally gave up! Jack has gagged, spit and not swallowed one bite of peas! Tonight I gave Jack sweet potatoes and he LOVED them! He swallowed them and kept opening his mouth for more! And he didn't make any weird faces. What a relief. I am glad he likes them and I can't wait to feed him more!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

More Pictures

Thought everyone would enjoy a few more pictures of our little guy. We were very busy taking lots of pictures yesterday! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Peas Please!

Jack tried peas for the first time today and it didn't go too bad. He made a few funny faces but for the most part ate what I gave him. Kevin and I have decided to make his food. So today I began my journey in baby food making. I started by putting the peas in the food processor and then mashing them through a strainer in order to get them nice and smooth. I then put it in ice cube trays and stuck it in the freezer, that way we have some for the rest of the week. So this week he will eat peas...I am thinking next weekend we will try either carrots or sweet potatoes. I don't know if I will always be able to make his food but for the time being I am going to try.

5 months old

Jack is five months old today! What a big boy he is. I love the little grin on his face. This is how he is most of the time now. He is a pretty happy go lucky kid. He is such a joy to be around. This past month he has made great strides...check out his stats below.

- He unofficially weighs close to 16 lbs. We don't go to the doctor this month, but that is what I am guessing and he has to be over 27 inches long. He is a tall thin little guy!

- He drinks 7 oz of formula 4 times a day.

- He eats 2 T. of rice cereal 2 times a day.

- He just started eating peas today! He is not a huge fan of them yet, but he ate them!

- He still sleeps from about 8 - 5:30 every night and goes back to sleep on the days daddy can take him to school.

- He rolls all over the place. We put him on the play mat on the floor and the next thing we know he is in the middle of the living room.

- He enjoys sleeping on his stomach with his butt in the air! (Its too cute!)

- He loves holding you hands and standing...or should I say bouncing! This kid was born to bounce and does it all day long.

- From a sitting position can pull himself up to a standing position while holding some one's hands.

- He is working on being able to sit up...but definitely hasn't mastered that yet!

- He is constantly giggling. If we giggle or laugh at him, he tries to imitate us!
- He recoginizes Kevin and I and turns his head towards us when we call him name.

- He is in size 2 diapers.

- He wears 6 month pajamas. 3-6 month shirts and 3 month pants and shorts. He is just starting to wear some 6 month shirts!

- He is drooling like crazy and is constantly putting things in his mouth...especially his toes! (He thinks they are the coolest things. As soon as his socks come off...his toes go in his mouth!)

- He has had a second hair cut, although he is loosing a lot of hair on the sides.

- He loves playing in his jumperoo and exersaucer

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Jack was baptized today at my parent's church in Boardman. It was so nice to be surrounded by friends and family. Jack did great he. He smiled through the whole thing and when pastor lifted him up to show him off to everyone, Jack turned around and watched him very intently and then grabbed a hold of his nose! It was great! We are so proud of our little guy and so blessed to have him in our lives. It was a very busy weekend but great to be with everyone. Lots of pictures were taken, but most of them on other people's cameras, so here is what we have on ours.

My family after the baptism.

Kevin's family after the baptism.

The man of the hour!


I'll post more pictures once we get them. Plus, Jack will be 5 months this coming more pictures will be taken then!