Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend Update

First of all...our baby is 19 weeks old! Where has the time gone. Summer is almost over and our little guy is growing like a weed. He learns something new every day. Today he learned how to make a spitting sound. He makes a pretty funny face when he does it as well. It is too cute! He actually jumps in his jumperoo instead of just moving his feet from side to side. He is eating his cereal better too. He is actually opening his mouth and most of it is actually staying in his mouth. Kevin also trimmed his hair again tonight. 19 weeks old and already 2 hair cuts!

This weekend was one of the first weekends in a long time that we weren't traveling. It was so nice to be home, just the 3 of us! We did lots of shopping. Jack went to the mall for the first time. We bought an outfit for his baptism. Kevin refuses to have him wear the "white clown outfit" (as he calls it) so we bought, a long sleeve button down shirt and khaki pants. He is going to look so grown up! We also bought him a little buckeye outfit, only had to return it today because it is way too big and that was the smallest size they had. So we will have to keep looking for something for him to wear on game days!

We went to Easton today and walked around for a little. They have added so many new stores since the last time we have been there (which was before Jack was born.) Jack enjoyed walking around and looking at everything. I can't wait till next summer when he can go play in the fountains. With the way he loves water, I am sure he will enjoy that!

Our little guy being his silly self!

Monday, August 23, 2010

4 month stats

Today Jack went to the doctor for his 4 month well visit. He did very well and the doctor thought he was right were he should be. We told her how we already started cereal with him, and she thought that was good. She suggested that we try it once a day for a few weeks and then go to two feedings. Once he has masted cereal we can then start introducing veggies. I am excited for him to try some things that actually have a little flavor to them. We will have to see how he likes them?! He got two shots again today and had to drink something as well. She had to keep squeezing his mouth shut while doing the drink cause he kept trying to spit it all out, but she finally got it all in! He took the shots pretty well. He only cried for about 30 seconds after them and then daddy started playing with him and he was all smiles. We asked about his skin and how it seems to be dry. She didn't seem too concerned and told us we could try a different kind of soap if we wanted. So overall it was a good visit and we don't have to go back until he is 6 months old.

Now onto his stats:
- 14 lbs. 14.5 ounces (50th percentile)
- 26 1/2 inches long (95th percentile)
(basically he is going to be tall and skinny like his daddy!)
- drinks 6 1/2 ounces of formula 5 times a day
- sleeps from 8:30 pm till 5:30 am on a regular basis and if he is able to, goes back to sleep till about 7ish.
- rolls both ways. We have found him a few times in the middle of the night on his tummy and he isn't very happy about it.
- He smiles all the time
- He giggles and laughs out loud
- He is still in size one diapers but once we are done with the ones we have, he is moving to size 2 - He still loves to lay on his mat and kick his feet.
- He likes to play in his jumperoo and exersaucer
- He wears 3 month clothes in Carters, however some are getting small. He mostly wears 0-3 in everything else with a few 3-6.
- He loves to have his hands in his mouth. So far he doesn't show preference towards a certain hand or finger, just as long as they are in his mouth.
- He has found his voice and likes to talk ALOT!
- Although we trimmed his hair a little when he was 15 weeks old, now he is starting to lose it. It is getting really thin on the sides but he still has a lot on the top. The back part is starting to lay down though.
- He has started to eat 1 tablespoon of cereal one time a day.
- He is able to grasp at toys and hold on to them
- He knows his mommy and daddy and smiles at us when we walk into a room

What a joy he is! We love having him in our lives!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

4 months

Jack turned 4 months old today. Another month has quickly gone by and Kevin and I are watching a baby turn into a little guy! He is so much fun! His new favorite thing is to put everything in his mouth. He is constantly sucking on his hands and trying to put his toys, shirt and bib in his mouth. He is making lots of noises and giggles ALOT! He enjoys being in the jumperoo and exersaucer and can put wieght on his legs when you hold him in a standing position. He is also able to roll both ways. The biggest thing is he is consistantly sleeping through the night. Jack goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps till 5 or 5:30. Kevin then feeds him and he goes back to sleep until 7ish.

We have enjoyed some fun things this past month as well. We went to my family reunion the beginning of the month. Jack got to meet a lot of new family members. It was fun to watch him interact with everyone. Last weekend we went to the Miami county fair with Kevin's family. What a great experience. It was so much fun watching Jack look at all the animals. Jack also experienced his first virus this week. On Tuesday he was sent home from school with a little fever. After going to the doctors, she determined it was just a virus. As soon as it started, it was over though. By 6 pm on Tuesay, the fever was gone and he was much happier. He has his 4 month appointment on Monday, so I will update all his stats then!

Monday, August 16, 2010


With Jack turning 4 months old on Wednesday, we decided it was time for him to start cereal. So last night he tried it for the first time. At first he seemed to like it and then after about 3 bites, he had enough and didn't want much more. It was a cycle of me putting it in his mouth and him spitting it back out at me! We will keep trying though. He goes to the doctor next Monday, so we will talk to her about it then. Of course, we caught it all on camera...check it out!

Monday, August 9, 2010

We are on a roll

Jack has made some big strides in the past week or so. He is on a roll. He can now roll from tummy to back and back to tummy. He doesn't do it all the time, but he can when he wants to! He is beginning to enjoy tummy time a little more and he is able to pick his head up while laying on his tummy. He has also found his toes. He hasn't stuck them in his mouth yet...but he knows they are there. Although he has known for a while that he has hands, up until recently he hasn't done much with them. Now they are by his face and in his mouth ALL THE TIME! He is constantly sucking his thumb or fingers. He is trying to stick his whole fist in his mouth, but hasn't been successful with that yet. He also enjoys just looking at his fingers and watching them move. Jack is also learning that he a voice. He likes to talk to himself and us, especially when he is in his carseat. I love listening to him and can't wait till the day when I can actually understand what he is trying to say. We have also noticecd that in the past few days, he is starting to reach for things and hold onto them. Finally, he is able to sit in his exersaucer unassisted. He is growing and changing so much...what happened to my little baby?? Oh....and did I mention that he had to get his first hair cut. We had to cut his bangs and side burns a little. What 15 week old needs that?

In other news, I took Jack to the doctors last Wednesday, just to make sure everything was ok. He has had a stuffy nose for a little while now and he wasn't drinking his bottles very well. I was being a perinoid mom and just wanted to make sure he was ok before we left for the weekend. Turns out...he was just fine. The doctor looked at me like I was crazy, but I got the peace of mind of knowing everything was ok. I did find out that he is now 13 lbs 13 ounces! (That is one good thing about going to the doctors...hehe)

We had a great weekend with my family. It was a jammed packed weekend but fun to be with everyone. Kevin and I got to go the Indian's game to see my cousin pitch. I have gone to about 4 or 5 games in hopes of seeing him, however, he has never pitched while I was there. So this was a first and we were in the front row!!! It was awesome. Too bad he wasn't able to pull out a win for the Twins. Jack had a great time. He was much better than we had expected. He went with the flow and enjoyed meeting lots of family! We had a great weekend but it is nice to be back home, however, we are down a family member. Stubbs has left us. After much thought and consideration, we decided to give Stubbs back to the guy I got him from originally 4 years ago. We didn't feel like we were being fair to him now that Jack is here. Its a little quieter around here, but we think it was for the best!