Today Jack went to the doctor for his 4 month well visit. He did very well and the doctor thought he was right were he should be. We told her how we already started cereal with him, and she thought that was good. She suggested that we try it once a day for a few weeks and then go to two feedings. Once he has masted cereal we can then start introducing veggies. I am excited for him to try some things that actually have a little flavor to them. We will have to see how he likes them?! He got two shots again today and had to drink something as well. She had to keep squeezing his mouth shut while doing the drink cause he kept trying to spit it all out, but she finally got it all in! He took the shots pretty well. He only cried for about 30 seconds after them and then daddy started playing with him and he was all smiles. We asked about his skin and how it seems to be dry. She didn't seem too concerned and told us we could try a different kind of soap if we wanted. So overall it was a good visit and we don't have to go back until he is 6 months old.
Now onto his stats:
- 14 lbs. 14.5 ounces (50th percentile)
- 26 1/2 inches long (95th percentile)
(basically he is going to be tall and skinny like his daddy!)
- drinks 6 1/2 ounces of formula 5 times a day
- sleeps from 8:30 pm till 5:30 am on a regular basis and if he is able to, goes back to sleep till about 7ish.
- rolls both ways. We have found him a few times in the middle of the night on his tummy and he isn't very happy about it.
- He smiles all the time
- He giggles and laughs out loud
- He is still in size one diapers but once we are done with the ones we have, he is moving to size 2 - He still loves to lay on his mat and kick his feet.
- He likes to play in his jumperoo and exersaucer
- He wears 3 month clothes in Carters, however some are getting small. He mostly wears 0-3 in everything else with a few 3-6.
- He loves to have his hands in his mouth. So far he doesn't show preference towards a certain hand or finger, just as long as they are in his mouth.
- He has found his voice and likes to talk ALOT!
- Although we trimmed his hair a little when he was 15 weeks old, now he is starting to lose it. It is getting really thin on the sides but he still has a lot on the top. The back part is starting to lay down though.
- He has started to eat 1 tablespoon of cereal one time a day.
- He is able to grasp at toys and hold on to them
- He knows his mommy and daddy and smiles at us when we walk into a room
What a joy he is! We love having him in our lives!