Saturday, August 29, 2009

6 weeks 2 days

So I am supposed to be 6 weeks and 2 days today. However, I don't really feel anything. Its hard to believe there is a baby inside of me when I don't really have any symptoms. I was extremely tired the beginning of the week but now not quite as much. I wish I could go to the doctor now just to confirm everything but I guess I will just have to wait patiently. Our first appointment is 9/16. Today we are going to see Kevin's parents to tell them the good news. I am curious to see if they suspect anything or if this will come as a surprise to them. Well that is all I have for now. Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Post

Hello! Welcome to our blog. I decided to create a blog to keep everyone informed through out our pregnancy. A little backgrond for everyone. After Kevin and I got married in July, we knew we wanted kids as soon as possible so we decided to start trying. Who would have ever guessed it would work the first month. I took a pregnancy test on August 13th on my lunch break. Kevin was off work that day. He went out and bought the test while i was home and by the end of the hour we knew I was pregnant. It was so hard to go back to work after that and keep my mouth shut! I go to the doctor on September 16th (kevin's birthday!!) so hopefully we will find out more then cause right now, I know nothing and every feeling I have, I wonder if it is normal?? So thats the story. I am 5 and 1/2 weeks now and very excited! I'll keep you posted on the weeks to come!