Sunday, December 8, 2013

8 months

The girls have been very busy this month.  They are doing more and  more and becoming more and more different.  The girls had their first babysitter this month.  Ms. Diane from school came and watched all three of the kids while Kevin and I went out to dinner with my family.  They all did great and we are looking forward to doing it again sometime soon!
- I am guessing she is close to 15 lbs, but I don't know exactly.
- She wears size one diapers but we are on our last pack of them!!!
- She wears 6 months, but some are still a little big!
- She still sucks her two middle fingers
- She can sit up on her own.  She can also go from up on all 4s to a sitting position.
-She can move all around but does not crawl.  She either lunges forward or rolls.  She is also very content laying on her back playing with her feet or toys!
- She eats four 6 oz. bottles a day.  She eats a 6oz bottle around 5:30am, cereal and fruit around 8:30, a bottle around 10:30.  A vegetable around 12:30.  Another bottle around 3.  Dinner at 5 and then a bottle before bed around 7:30.
- She sleeps through the night.
- She is the quieter of the two
- She is very content watching her two siblings being crazy
Morgan 8 months

- I am guessing she is close to 14 lbs, but I don't know exactly.
- She wears size one diapers but we are on our last pack of them!!!
- She wears 6 months, but some are still a little big!
- She does not take a pacifier or suck her fingers.
- She can sit up on her own.  She can also go from up on all 4s to a sitting position.
-She army crawls all over the place.  I have seen her crawl a few times but she is much faster doing the army crawl. 
- She does not like it when we leave the room.  She cries and follows us around.
- She is just starting to put her arms out when we go to pick her up.  I love it!
- She eats four 6 oz. bottles a day.  She eats a 6oz bottle around 5:30am, cereal and fruit around 8:30, a bottle around 10:30.  A vegetable around 12:30.  Another bottle around 3.  Dinner at 5 and then a bottle before bed around 7:30.
- We have just started giving her puffs and she loves them! She does a pretty good job of getting them in her mouth
- She does not sleep through the night.  She normally wakes up one time at night, sometime between 12 and 3.
- She is just like her brother.  She is the needier of the two girls.
- She loves to watch Jack.  She eggs him on.  If he is being silly, she giggles at him and gets him going!

Addison 8 months

Me and the girls
Family picture  on Thanksgiving.  Addie on left, Morgan on right

Addie on left, Morgan on right.  The night we put up our Christmas tree

Addie, Morgan

Addie, Morgan

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

7 months

I know I skipped their six month post but I feel like I just need to move on to 7 months instead of going back.

Morgan and Addison at 6 months
Here are their 7 month stats:


- 14 lbs 1 oz.  She is only in the 3rd percentile.  She may be tiny but she is growing and the doctor is happy with that.
- sleeps from 7:30 pm - 5:30 am.  Goes back to sleep in the morning until school.  She takes 2-3 naps a day.  She sleeps all night
- wears 6 month clothes
- wears size 1 diapers
- eats four 6 oz bottles a day.
- eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, vegetable for lunch and a protein and vegetable for dinner
- she can sit with some support.  When she is not thinking about it she can sit but then slowly falls over.
- she can get on her knees and rock back and forth but doesn't go anywhere.
- rolls all over the place
- can move backwards while laying on her stomach
- takes after her brother and loves being in the jumperoo
- sucks her two middle fingers


- weighs 13 lbs 8 oz.  She is barely on the growth curve but she gained a pound in a month, so the doctor is happy with that!
- takes after Jack with sleeping, or lack of it!  She goes to bed at 7:30 but wakes up at least 1 time a night, sometimes 2.  She gets 2-3 oz of formula when she wakes up.  She takes 2-3 naps a day.
- She is offered four 6 six oz. bottles each day but she very often leaves some.
- She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast, a vegetable for lunch and a protein and vegetable for dinner.
- She wears 6 month clothes and size 1 diapers still
- She can sit unsupported
- She gets up on her knees and has begun to "lunge" forward.  If there is a toy out in front of her, she will try to get it.
- She likes to get up on her tip toes and hands and form a pyramid with her body
- She enjoys playing in the exersaucer

The girls are looking more and more alike.  I often have to do a double take when looking at them.  they are very happy girls and we are blessed to have them in our lives!
Morgan and Addison

Morgan and Addison

Fall Fun

We went to visit the apple orchard and pumpkin patch this fall.  Wanted to share some pictures.  We all had a fun.
Morgan picking her first apple

Addie spying her first apple

Farmer Jack

Finding the perfect pumpkin

Morgan found her pumpkin

Jack and Addison

the three amigos

Sunday, September 8, 2013

5 months

One of the few pictures of the 3 of them!
Another month has come and gone and the girls are growing like weeds.  This past month we traveled to Lake Erie for a week at the lake with my family.  We went to the Olson family reunion where the girls got to meet a lot of people for the first time.  We also went to the Miami County Fair and saw lots of animals and Jack got to ride a lot of the rides.  We celebrated Mitch's 2nd birthday and Jack has officially started Preschool at Goddard.  Its been a busy month.

Here are some stats...

Morgan age 5 months
- She is a happy go lucky little girl.  She is the middle child.  She lets her brother and sister do everything for her.
- She can roll all of the place.  She is just starting to push up on her hands while laying on her tummy.
- She can entertain herself in the exersaucers for a few minutes at a time.
-  She sucks her 2 middle fingers.  She does not take a pacifier at all.
- She likes to hang onto her tag blanket.
-  She is starting to reach and grab for things that are in front of her.
1st time eating cereal
- She tried cereal for the first time, but was not a big fan.  We are going to try it again soon.
- She wears size 1 diapers
- She wears 3 month clothes
- She sleeps from 8pm-5am and then goes back to sleep in the morning.  She takes 2-3 naps a day.
- She drinks 26 oz. of breast milk a day.
- She has lost a lot of her hair and what is coming in is a lot lighter
Morgan 5 months
Morgan and Addison
Addison . . .
- Addison is becoming a lot like her brother.  She definitely needs more attention then her sister.  She is very vocal and wants to make sure you know she is there.
- She can roll to her stomach but very rarely rolls back.  She enjoys laying on the mat and playing with the toys hanging above her.
- She will play in the exersaucer but not for very long.
- She is very smiley and loves attention.
- She takes a pacifier but is not dependent of it.
- She puts everything in her mouth
- She likes holding onto her tag blanket
1st cereal

- She did not like the cereal at all.  She had no idea what to do with it.
-She likes to be outside watching daddy and Jack work.
- She wears 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
Playing in the exersaucer

 - Addison is regressing in sleeping.  She goes to bed at 8pm but wakes up anywhere from 2-4 times a night.  We have been giving her 2 oz at some point in the middle of the night to help her go back to sleep.  She sleeps till 5 am and then goes back to sleep.  She cat naps through out the day.
-  Her hair is growing and now the girls and looking more and more a like!  While we know which is which sometimes at a quick glance we get them confused.  Jack however always knows who is who!
Morgan, Addison

Morgan, Addison

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

4 month stats

Another month has come and gone and the girls are getting bigger and bigger.   This is the first month that the girls are really showing their personalities and meeting milestones at different times.  Check out what they are up to!

Ready for bed with big brother Jack


- 12 lbs 3 1/2 oz, 23 1/4 inches long
- Drinks 5 oz. of breast milk 5 times a day
- Sleeps from 8 pm - 5:30 am.  Takes several naps through out the day.
- Rolled from back to tummy on August 1st for the first time.  Now she does it all the time.  She can roll from tummy to back but doesn't do it very often.  I have found her in bed several times on her tummy.
- She LOVES her fingers and has them in her mouth constantly.  She sucks her 2 middle fingers and puts her first finger and pinky pointing up.
- Loves to smile and giggle. 
- Very easy going
-Wears 3 month clothes
- Wears size 1 diapers
- We tried cereal for the first time this past weekend.  She ate a few spoonfuls of it before she got frustrated and wanted a bottle.
First time in a bathing suit - Lake Erie
At the zoo


- 11 lbs 7 oz, 23 inches long
- Drinks 5 oz. of breast milk 5 times a day
- Sleeps from 8 pm - 5:30 am.  Takes several naps through out the day.
- Rolled from back to tummy in July for the first time. Then didn't do it until over the weekend.  Now she does it all the time.  She can go from tummy to back when she wants to.
- She takes a pacifier when she wants but doesn't need it to go to sleep.
- Full of smiles and giggles.
- She "talks" up a storm.  She could read a whole would just be hard to understand. 
- We tried cereal for the first time this past weekend.  She was not a fan.  Every bite Kevin put in her mouth she would spit out.

Happy Girls - Morgan in pink, Addie in blue

Spending her 4 month b-day at Lake Erie


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Our Trip to the Lake

Last week we went to Lake Erie to my parents house.  We had a great first vacation as a family of 5.  Here are some pictures that high light our trip! The weather wasn't the greatest but it was good to get away and relax!
Daddy and Jack in the boat

The girls all wrapped up, but enjoying the beach.

Jack, practicing his swimming

A trip to the lake would not be complete without a trip to Eddie's

Dinner at Eddie's

Morgan was there was Addie but she was sleeping!

Our happy family!

Aunt Kassie loving her nieces and nephew!

Throwing rocks in the water

The girls in the bathing suits!  Adorable!

The girls go to the doctor tomorrow for their 4 month check up...I will give you an update after we know all of their stats!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

3 months

Another month has come and gone. A lot has happened this past month. The girls visited the zoo and slept through the whole thing. They got to meet the entire DeWeese family at Tyler Metcalf's graduation party. They now go to school everyday. They went to Boardman for the first time and much more! These are their first day of school pictures. . .

Here are their 3 month stats. . .

Morgan -

- I don't know how much she weighs.  We haven't been to the doctor since she was 2 months...which is a good thing.
- She eats 4 1/2 oz. of breast milk every 3 1/2 hours.  Before bed she has 5 1/2 oz.
-  Now sleeps in her bed at night. Goes to bed around 8:00 pm and sleeps till sometime between 3 and 5 am.  On school days she gets up at 6:30 and on weekend she will sleep till her next bottle at 8:30 am.
- Naps on and off through out the day.  No real schedule.  Starting to sleep in her bed for naps.
-  Full of smiles.
- Likes to "talk"
- Able to lay on tummy and pick head up off of the ground.
- Wears size 1 diapers
- Wears 3 month clothes
- Likes to sleep with her hands above head.
-  Will suck on a pacifier but doesn't have to have it
Morgan 3 months old on the 4th of July

Addison -

- Again I don't know how much she weighs exactly, but she is still smaller than her sister.
- She eats 4 oz. of breast milk every 3 1/2 hours.  Before bed she has 5 oz.
-  Now sleeps in her bed at night. Goes to bed around 8:00 pm and sleeps till sometime between 3 and 5 am.  On school days she gets up at 6:30 and on weekend she will sleep till her next bottle at 8:30 am.
- Naps on and off through out the day.  No real schedule.  Starting to sleep in her bed for naps.
-  Full of smiles.
- Likes to "talk"
- Able to lay on tummy and pick head up off of the ground.
- Wears size 1 diapers
- Likes to lay on play mat and smile at herself in the mirror.
- Wears 3 month clothes
-  Will suck on a pacifier but would rather suck on her fingers
Addison 3 months old

Morgan first day of school 6/17/13

Addison first day of school 6/17/13

Family picture at the zoo 6/22/13

The girls